This was the best thing ever... Can you PM me and tell me what program you used to animate that?
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This was the best thing ever... Can you PM me and tell me what program you used to animate that?
ADD MARGE FOR PETES SAKE THARE IS NO MARGE or can you tell me whare she is? if thare is one and try to make a game out of that this is awsome i'll give 5 stars when you do that for now i will give 4 1/2 stars
Marge is kurenai, 3row on the left. But not really recognizable anymore cause of the hair.
Anyway, next time put a little effort when you're typing and use punctuation, i had to read it 3 times before I understood what you were saying :-D
Anyway thanks for the stars!
Score:OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just kidding its 25
I was gonna say, 9000 seems a little too high. Just like Goku's power level.
Thanks for the reivew!
I like run like a retard
Thanks. It's nice to see someone who, despite all the lameness of an upload, can still find something about it they like.
javascript:alert('Dont blame the error troll face did it
Troll face:Problem????');
Joined on 5/14/12